
Personal messages from those bringing to light their own authenticity

Tessa H.

Working with Tammy has been a wonderful and life-changing experience. Through our calls and her assignments for inner work, I have navigated through painful generational, childhood, and present stories and emotions. With her guidance I have uncovered what belief systems I've held onto that do not belong to me and have replaced them with belief systems that adhere to my moral coding. My entire perspective on myself, others, and the universe has completely changed and our meetings have led to me feeling a deeper sense of spiritual connection.


Working with Tammy has changed my life and the way I perceive the world. It has taught me how to show up for myself in the most loving, gentle way which had not been possible in my past. I now get to process my feelings instead of avoiding, understand my stories and deeply rooted belief systems, and recognize and meet my needs in a sustainable way which enables me to show up as my most authentic self. I am able to have and build healthy relationships with others, but more importantly with myself. I am no longer exhausted by the need to control and manage every aspect of my life because of the trust I have built with myself and the universe through this work. I am forever grateful.


I’ve had and still having such spiritual awakenings working with Tammy. I feel more grounded in myself , more accepting and excited for the future. It’s been such a magical journey! I love how Tammy meets me with unconditional love, compassion and understanding. I really love being on this journey with her.


I began working with Tammy after a friend recommended her. At that point I was 2 years into an excruciating dark night of the soul, unable to shake off beliefs and cycles that were causing me immense physical and spiritual pain. I was rigid, harsh and shaming towards myself which made things even worse. I felt strung out on habits of trying to access joy and fulfillment through outside sources. Through this dark night I knew my old identity was dying off but I didn't have any tools to transition into the next phase of my souls evolution. Tammy worked with me to process my emotions I had years repressed and always held a gentle space of non-judgment. Most importantly, Tammy didn't step in to be my solution-- instead she worked me with me until I tapped into my own authentic power and spiritual energy, which I now know is the most nourishing and sustainable connection I could ask for.


"I have tried a lot of different types of Therapy and while the talking was helpful, I often found myself wanting more concrete tools to use. The "Tammy Method" as I call it - has truly changed my life. I went from being someone who felt angry and triggered constantly and intensely, who felt completely helpless to change - to someone who is triggered less frequently and with less intensity. Most importantly, I now have the tools to understand why I felt triggered and steps I can take to feel less triggered in the future. I've made more progress working with Tammy for 6 months than I have trying other methods the last decade. There is no other way to say it - the "Tammy Method" is truly transformative and saved me from myself." -Rachel


Working with Tammy is teaching me to co-create with the universe. This work helps me to show up authentically in my life and seek guidance through spiritual connection. Conflicts I’ve struggled with for years have dissipated. Through understanding my stories and seeking to sustainably fulfill my needs, I no longer harbor resentments I carried for years. I am connected with my family in a brand new way. I am a better mother, partner, sister, and daughter. I will be forever grateful for Tammy’s presence in my life. I have, and will continue to, enthusiastically recommend Tammy and this transformative work!


My name is Jennifer and my current primary role is caregiver. Through Tammy’s guidance I had a great positive shift in how I see myself and the world. The people I care for are now getting a much more present and positive person. Learning the healing techniques has created space for unlimited love. My relationship with my son has deepened in unimaginable ways! I was a bit worried about my ability to implement my new belief that “I am truly enough in this moment just as I am” in the long term, but these concerns have been put to rest as the lessons are simply a part of me now. I love using the Spiritual Momentum worksheet and learning the Universal Laws, when I find myself in a lower vibration moment these are the illuminated directionals back to MY higher vibrational path! Thank you Tammy for generously sharing your priceless gifts.

~ love Jennifer


I value my experiences with Tammy immensely! I appreciate her balance of gentleness and straightforwardness in addition to her unique ability to describe concepts and help me identify connections in a way that really resonates with my comprehension. Although we talk about different topics that I bring to her each session, I consistently leave feeling that I integrated the patterns and healing she is guiding me through on a deeper level. I do not take my selection of mentors lightly and I intuitively trust Tammy in a way that brings me great comfort, hope and inspiration!

-Sasha B

Seattle, WA


Tammy has helped me change my life. I was going to say Tammy changed my life, but I could hear her voice in my head saying, ‘No Erika- YOU changed your life.’ I’ve spent years in therapy and then working with Tammy was like being put on a fast track to helping me break free of cycles that made my world feel so dark and hopeless. I tried desperately to control things, avoid any kind of pain, and was weighed down with intense resentment. Unpacking this with Tammy has lifted that burden and given me skills to feel less triggered and more open to receiving and dwelling in the possibilities of my life. I am so grateful for Tammy. Tammy has helped me change my life. I was going to say Tammy changed my life, but I could hear her voice in my head saying, ‘No Erika- YOU changed your life.’ I’ve spent years in therapy and then working with Tammy was like being put on a fast track to helping me break free of cycles that made my world feel so dark and hopeless. I tried desperately to control things, avoid any kind of pain, and was weighed down with intense resentment. Unpacking this with Tammy has lifted that burden and given me skills to feel less triggered and more open to receiving and dwelling in the possibilities of my life. I am so grateful for Tammy.


I have been working with Tammy for almost a year now and I have learned more with her than years of therapy. She has helped me identify my core needs and struggles in the most gentle and kind way. I have worked through emotional trauma, anger issues and fear(as well as many many other things haha). I am a happier, lighter person since I have been working with her. She has taught me to identify my needs in the moment and has given me the tools to work through them in a healthy way. For many years I have been living in a flight, fright or freeze mode. Now I have the tools to work through those difficult feelings and trust in the universe. I am SO thankful for Tammy!